
No gimmicks, no tricks, no song-&-dance. Just picks based on a reliable and proven method derived from a strategic multi-data point formula. We’ve tested our system for an extended period of time and it has a win rate of over 85%. For a small monthly fee (sent via Venmo), we email you the super system picks each month.* It’s that simple.

The current super system consists of soccer (football) match parlays. We’re in the process of expanding the super system to other sports and extensively testing those; for those interested, assuming you’ve signed up for our mailing list, we’ll offer you the option to receive the super system picks for other sports once ready.

NOTE: we are not responsible in terms of what you do with the information we provide via email. That said – should you decide to wager on super system picks provided, and only those picks, you will see profits over time ($ out, $ in…hence the 360). Lastly, we will never share the details of the Super System 360, but feel free to email us about anything else.